Internet Download Manager official Resellers in India

You can check prices in Indian Rupees and purchase IDM from these local resellers in India:

Adorn India (Highly Recommended)

Payment options:
UPI QR Code, Google Pay, Phone Pay, Indian & International Credit Card & Debit Cards (Visa Mastercard Rupay), All Indian Banks Net Banking, Online Banking (NEFT), Cash Deposit in any ICICI Branch across India, Cheque Drop in any ICICI Bank Branch/ATM, Demand Draft, Cash Payment, Western Union, Chain of Sub-Resellers across India


Payment options:
PhonePe, Google Pay, Paytm, UPI, Debit Card (ATM), Credit Card, Net Banking (NEFT, IMPS, RTGS), SBI, AXIS, HDFC, ICICI, Canara, HSBC, Citi Bank, Karnataka Bank, Andhra Bank, ING VYSYA & More. Cash and Cheque Deposit in Any Bank.

247premiumcart (Recommended)

Payment options:
Online Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, Wallet, UPI, NEFT, IMPS, RTGS, Bank Deposit, PayPal